Mme Corinne LEYVAL
Directrice de Recherche DR1 CNRS
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux
UMR 7360 CNRS - Université de Lorraine

Faculté des Sciences et Technologies BP 70239

Tel :       +33(0)3 72 74 52 04
Fax :     +33(0)3 72 74 52 06
e-mail : corinne.leyval(@)

Responsabilités administratives

  • Directrice d'OTELo  (Observatoire Terre et Environnement de Lorraine)  OSU (UMS 3662) et Pôle scientifique de l'Université de Lorraine depuis 2014
  • Directrice -adjointe du LIEC (2013-2014)
  • Directrice du LIMOS UMR 7137 (2001-2012)
  • Présidente du CS du GISFI, Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique sur les Friches Industrielles depuis  2001, et responsable d'un groupe thématique
  • Membre nommé du CS de l' INSU (2011-2014)
  • Membre élu du comité national du CNRS section 30 (2012-2016)
  • Présidente d'EC2CO  et vice-présidente de la CS-SIC
  • Membre du conseil et du bureau de l'école doctorale RP2E
  • Membre du CS du Labex Voltaire
  • Membre du comité recherche du Labex Ressource 21
  • Membre de comités scientifiques : ANR Programme Blanc et Jeunes Chercheurs (2005-2007), ANR Programme CES (Contaminants Ecosystèmes Santé) (2010-2011) , programme EC2CO  Cytrix (2006-2012) et EC2CO MicrobiEN (2007-2011); expert à la Communauté Européenne (5ème, 6ème et 7ème PCRD)
  • Membre du comité d'organisation du réseau européen COST 821 (Mycorhizes) (1994-2007).
Thématiques de recherche

Interactions sol-plantes-microorganismes et écodynamique des polluants dans les sols: Biodisponibilité d'éléments en traces et biodégradation de matières organiques exogènes, rôle des microorganismes  rhizosphériques (champignons mycorhiziens, bactéries) et interactions entre microorganismes, mécanismes impliqués et dynamique des populations.

Ces travaux conduisent à des applications dans deux domaines: -Utilisation des microorganismes rhizosphériques comme outil de diagnostic et de pronostic de la toxicité des polluants dans les sols, -Phytoremédiation et restauration de sols pollués
Enseignements / Encadrements
Encadrement de 30 thèses d'université et 21 post-doc

" Co-responsable de la Spécialité de master 2 Connaissance et Gestion des Sols et des Eaux (CGSE), Nancy Université (2006-2009).

Enseignement dans différents masters (environ 20 h/an) de l'Université de Lorraine

Responsable de l' UE Gestion des sites et sols dégradés commune aux master SEE (S9-12) et BioMANE (U22)

Domaines de compétences
Microbiologie du sol, biogéochimie, écologie microbienne, écodynamique des contaminants
Cursus / Carrière / Distinctions


DDoctorat de 3ième cycle d'Agro-Eco-Pédologie, Nancy 1981

" Diplôme d'Expert en Procédés pour l'Industrie Chimique - Option Génie Biotechnologique, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 1983

" Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences, Nancy, 1988 : Interactions bactéries-mycorhizes dans la rhizosphère du pin sylvestre et du hêtre : Incidences sur l'exsudation racinaire et l'altération des minéraux

" Diplôme de Microbiologie Générale de l'Institut Pasteur, Paris, 1988

Assistante de recherche à l'Institut Européen d'Ecologie, Université de Metz, jan. à oct. 1982

" Chargée de recherche au Centre de Pédologie Biologique du CNRS octobre 1983-octobre 1997

" Post-doctorat d'un an aux Etats-Unis (Université de Floride, Gainesville),1989-1990

" Directrice de recherche au Centre de Pédologie Biologique du CNRS depuis oct.1997.

" Chercheur invité à l'Université Agricole de Norvège, Aas (Oslo), fév.1997-fév. 1998

" Directrice du LIMOS  UMR 7137 Nancy Université CNRS de septembre 2001 à dec 2012

" Directrice-adjointe de lOSU OTELo mission Observation depuis juin 2012

" Directrice-adjointe du LIEC (2013-2014)


  • Publications internationales

BERTHELOT C., LEYVAL C., CHALOT M., BLAUDEZ D., 2019. Interactions between dark septate endophytes, ectomycorrhizal fungi and root pathogens in vitro. Fems Microbiology Letters 366 (13)     Réf. HAL: hal-02372472.  [doi]

LEMMEL F., MAUNOURY-DANGER F., FANESI A., LEYVAL C., CÉBRON A., 2019. Soil Properties and Multi-Pollution Affect Taxonomic and Functional Bacterial Diversity in a Range of French Soils Displaying an Anthropisation Gradient. Microbial Ecology 77 (4), 993-1013     Réf. HAL: hal-02317637.  [doi]

LEMMEL F., MAUNOURY-DANGER F., LEYVAL C., CÉBRON A., 2019. DNA stable isotope probing reveals contrasted activity and phenanthrene-degrading bacteria identity in a gradient of anthropized soils. Fems Microbiology Ecology 95 (12)     Réf. HAL: hal-02373472.  [doi]

BERTHELOT C., BLAUDEZ D., BEGUIRISTAIN T., CHALOT M., LEYVAL C., 2018. Co-inoculation of Lolium perenne with Funneliformis mosseae and the dark septate endophyte Cadophora sp in a trace element-polluted soil Mycorrhiza 28, 301-314.  [doi]

BOURCERET A., LEYVAL C., FAURE P., LORGEOUX C., CEBRON A., 2018. High PAH degradation and activity of degrading bacteria during alfalfa growth where a contrasted active community developed in comparison to unplanted soil Environmental Science And Pollution Research 25, 29556-29571.  [doi]

LEMMEL F., MAUNOURY-DANGER F., FANESI A., LEYVAL C., CÉBRON A., 2018. Soil Properties and Multi-Pollution Affect Taxonomic and Functional Bacterial Diversity in a Range of French Soils Displaying an Anthropisation Gradient. Microbial Ecology 1-21.  [doi]

UBERSFELD D., LEYVAL C., REDON P.-O., MUSTIN C., 2018. Antioxidant plant metabolites affect leaching of mineral elements from Callovo-Oxfordian clays European Journal Of Soil Science 69, 348-359.  [doi]

VINCENT Q., AUCLERC A., BEGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2018. Assessment of derelict soil quality: Abiotic, biotic and functional approaches Science Of The Total Environment 613, 990-1002.  [doi]

VINCENT Q., LEYVAL C., BEGUIRISTAIN T., AUCLERC A., 2018. Functional structure and composition of Collembola and soil macrofauna communities depend on abiotic parameters in derelict soils Applied Soil Ecology 130, 259-270.  [doi]

BERTHELOT C., BLAUDEZ D., LEYVAL C., 2017. Differential growth promotion of poplar and birch inoculated with three dark septate endophytes in two trace element-contaminated soils International Journal Of Phytoremediation 19 (12), 1118-1125.  [doi]

BERTHELOT C., PERRIN Y., LEYVAL C., BLAUDEZ D., 2017. Melanization and ageing are not drawbacks for successful agro-transformation of dark septate endophytes Fungal Biology 121 (8), 652-663.  [doi]

BOURCERET A., LEYVAL C., THOMAS  F., CÉBRON A., 2017. Rhizosphere effect is stronger than PAH concentration on shaping spatial bacterial assemblages along centimetre-scale depth gradients Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 63 (11), 881-893.  [doi]

CENNERAZZO J., DE JUNET A., AUDINOT J.-N., LEYVAL C., 2017. Dynamics of PAHs and derived organic compounds in a soil-plant mesocosm spiked with C-13-phenanthrene Chemosphere 168, 1619-1627.  [doi]

BERTHELOT C., LEYVAL C., FOULON J., CHALOT M., BLAUDEZ D., 2016. Plant growth promotion, metabolite production and metal tolerance of dark septate endophytes isolated from metal-polluted poplar phytomanagement sites Fems Microbiology Ecology 92 (10).  [doi]

BOURCERET A., CÉBRON A., TISSERANT E., POUPIN P., BAUDA P., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2016. The Bacterial and Fungal Diversity of an Aged PAH- and Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soil is Affected by Plant Cover and Edaphic Parameters Microbial Ecology 71 (3), 711-724.  [doi]

OSSWALD A., POSZWA A., BUENO M., ARNAUDGUILHEM C., BILLET D., THIRY Y., LEYVAL C., 2016. Contribution of microbial activity to formation of organically bound chlorine during batch incubation of forest soil using Cl-37 as a tracer Soil Biology & Biochemistry 100, 210-217.  [doi]

QUEMENEUR M., GARRIDO F., BILLARD P., BREEZE D., LEYVAL C., JAUZEIN M., JOULIAN C., 2016. Bacterial Community Structure and Functional arrA Gene Diversity Associated with Arsenic Reduction and Release in an Industrially Contaminated Soil Geomicrobiology Journal 33 (10), 839-849.  [doi]

BOURCERET A., CÉBRON A., TISSERANT E., POUPIN P., BAUDA P., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2015. The bacterial and fungal diversity of an aged PAH- and heavy metal-contaminated soil is affected by plant cover and edaphic parameters. Microbial Ecology 0.  [doi]

BOURCERET A., LEYVAL C., DE FOUQUET C., CÉBRON A., 2015. Mapping the centimeter-scale spatial variability of PAHs and microbial populations in the rhizosphere of two plants. Plos One 10(11):e0142851.  [doi]

CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., BONGOUA-DEVISME J., DENONFOUX J., FAURE P., LORGEOUX C., OUVRARD S., PARISOT N., PEYRET P., LEYVAL C., 2015. Impact of clay mineral, wood sawdust or root organic matter on the bacterial and fungal community structures in two aged PAH-contaminated soils. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 22, 13724-13738.  [doi]

QUEMENEUR M., GARRIDO F., BILLARD P., BREEZE D., LEYVAL C., JAUZEIN M., JOULIAN C., 2015. Bacterial community structure and functional arrA gene diversity associated with arsenic reduction and release in an industrially contaminated soil. Geomicrobiology Journal 0.  [doi]

GONZALEZ V., VIGNATI D.-A.-L., LEYVAL C., GIAMBÉRINI L. , 2014. Environmental fate and ecotoxicity of lanthanides: Are they a uniform group beyond chemistry?. Environment International 71, 148-157..  [doi]

STAUFFER M., LEYVAL C., BRUN J.-J., LEPORTIER P., BERTHELIN J. , 2014. Effect of willow short rotation coppice on soil properties after three years of growth as compared to forest, grassland and arable land uses. Plant And Soil 377, 423-438..  [doi]

BIACHE C., FAURE P., MANSUY-HUAULT L., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C. , 2013. Biodegradation of the organic matter in a coking plant soil and its main constituents. Organic Geochemistry 56, 10-18..  [doi]

CÉBRON A., FAURE P., LORGEOUX C., OUVRARD S., LEYVAL C. , 2013. Experimental increase in availability of a PAH complex organic contamination from an aged contaminated soil: Consequences on biodegradation. Environmental Pollution 177, 98-105..  [doi]

LEMAIRE J., LAURENT F., LEYVAL C., SCHWARTZ C., BUES M., SIMONNOT M.-O. , 2013. PAH oxidation in aged and spiked soils investigated by column experiments. Chemosphere 91, 406-414..  [doi]

POIREL J., JOULIAN C., LEYVAL C., BILLARD P. , 2013. Arsenite-induced changes in abundance and expression of arsenite transporter and arsenite oxidase genes of a soil microbial community. Research In Microbiology 164, 457-465..  [doi]

THION C., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C. , 2013. Inoculation of PAH-degrading strains of Fusarium solani and Arthrobacter oxydans in rhizospheric sand and soil microcosms: microbial interactions and PAH dissipation. Biodegradation 24, 569-581..  [doi]

ZHOU X.-B., ZHOU J.-T., XIANG X.-M., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C. , 2013. Impact of Four Plant Species and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Dissipation in Spiked Soil. Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies 22, 1239-1245..

LAURENT F., CÉBRON A., SCHWARTZ C., LEYVAL C., 2012. Oxidation of a PAH polluted soil using modified Fenton reaction in unsaturated condition affects biological and physico-chemical properties. Chemosphere 86, 659-664..  [doi]

THION C., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2012. PAH biotransformation and sorption by Fusarium solani and Arthrobacter oxydans isolated from a polluted soil in axenic cultures and mixed cocultures, Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad., 68:28-35.  [doi]

THION C., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2012. Long-term in situ dynamics of the fungal communities in a multi-contaminated soil are mainly driven by plants. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 82, 169-82..  [doi]

ALBRECHT R., GOURRY J.-C., SIMONNOT M.-O., LEYVAL C., 2011. Complex conductivity response to microbial growth and biofilm formation. Complex conductivity response to microbial growth and biofilm formation on phenanthrene spiked medium. J. Appl. Geophys. 75, 558-564..  [doi]

CÉBRON A., CORTET J., CRIQUET S., BIAZ A., CALVERT V., CAUPERT C., PERNIN C., LEYVAL C., 2011. Biological functioning of PAH-polluted and thermal desorption-treated soils assessed by fauna and microbial bioindicators. Res. Microbiol. 162(9):896-907..  [doi]

CÉBRON A., LOUVEL B., FAURE P., FRANCE-LANORD C., CHEN Y., MURRELL J., LEYVAL C., 2011. Root exudates modify bacterial diversity of phenanthrene degraders in PAH-polluted soil but not phenanthrene degradation rates. Environ. Microbiol. 13 (3), 722-736.  [doi]

DIOUF D., DUCOUSSO M., GIANINAZZI S., LEBRUN M., LEYVAL C., 2011. 1st International congress on mycorrhizal symbiosis: Ecosystems and environment of Mediterranean area (MYCOMED). Mycorrhiza 21(5):451-2..  [doi]

LOUVEL B., CÉBRON A., LEYVAL C., 2011. Root exudates affect biodegradation, bacterial community and functional gene expression in sand microcosms. Int. Biodeter. Biodeg. 55, 957-963..  [doi]

OUVRARD S., BARNIER C., BAUDA P., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., BIACHE C., BONNARD M., CAUPERT C., CÉBRON A., CORTET J., COTELLE S., DAZY M., FAURE P., MASFARAUD J.-F., NAHMANI J., PALAIS F., POUPIN P., RAOULT N., VASSEUR P., MOREL J.-L., LEYVAL C., 2011. In situ assessment of phytotechnologies for multicontaminated soil management. Int. J. Phytoremediation, 13, 245-263..  [doi]

PETRIC I., PHILIPPOT L., ABBATE C., BISPO A., CHESNOT T., HALLIN S., LAVAL K., LEBEAU T., LEMANCEAU P., LEYVAL C., LINDSTÖM K., PANDARD P., ROMERO E., SARR A., SCHLOTER  M., SIMONET P., SMALLA K., WILKE B., MARTIN-LAURENT F., 2011. Inter-laboratory evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 «Soil quality - Method to directly extract DNA from soil samples». J. Microbiol. Methods, 84(3),.  [doi]

BALLAND C., POSZWA A., LEYVAL C., MUSTIN C., 2010. Dissolution rates of phyllosilicates as a function of bacterial metabolic diversity, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(19), 5478-5493..  [doi]

BOLOU-BI E., POSZWA A., LEYVAL C., VIGIER N., 2010. Experimental determination of magnesium isotope fractionation during higher plant growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(9), 2523-2537..  [doi]

BONNARD M., DEVIN S., LEYVAL C., MOREL J.-L., VASSEUR P., 2010. The influence of thermal desorption on genotoxicity of multi-polluted soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73 (5): 955-960.  [doi]

QUEMENEUR M., CÉBRON A., BILLARD P., BATTAGLIA-BRUNET F., GARRIDO F., LEYVAL C., JOULIAN C., 2010. Population structure and abundance of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria along an arsenic pollution gradient in waters of the Upper Isle River Basin, France. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76(13), 4566-70.  [doi]

CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., FAURE P., NORINI M.-P., MASFARAUD J.-F., LEYVAL C., 2009. Influence of vegetation on the in situ bacterial community and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degraders in aged PAH-contaminated or thermal-desorption-treated soil Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (19): 6322-6330.  [doi]

REDON P.-O., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2009. Differential effects of AM fungal isolates on Medicago truncatula growth and metal uptake in a multimetallic (Cd, Zn, Pb) contaminated agricultural soil. Mycorrhiza 19, 187-195..  [doi]

SANON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., CÉBRON A., BERTHELIN J., NDOYE I., LEYVAL C., SYLLA S., DUPONNOIS R., 2009. Changes in soil diversity and global activities following invasion of the exotic invasive plant, Amaranthus viridis L., decrease the growth of native sahelian Acacia species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 70: 118-131..  [doi]

SONJAK S., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., REGVAR M., 2009. Temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with selected plants from saline and metal polluted environments. Plant and Soil , 314, 1-2, 25-34..  [doi]

ZHOU X.-B., CÉBRON A., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2009. Water and phosphorus content affect PAH dissipation in spiked soil planted with mycorrhizal alfalfa and tall fescue, Chemosphere, 77, 709-713..  [doi]

BIACHE C., MANSUY-HUAULT L., FAURE P., MUNIER-LAMY C., LEYVAL C., 2008. Effects of thermal desorption on the composition of two coking plant soils: impact on solvent extractable organic compounds and metal bioavailability. Environmental Pollution, 26, 8, 1644-1648..  [doi]

CÉBRON A., NORINI M., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2008. Real-Time PCR quantification of PAH-Ring Hydroxylating Dioxygenase (PAH-RHDa) genes from Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria in soil and sediment sample, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 73, 148-159..  [doi]

DUPRÉ DE BOULOIS H., JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., JAKOBSEN I., CHEN B.-D., ROOS P., THIRY I., RUFYIKIRI G., DELVAUX B., DECLERCK S., 2008. Role and influence of mycorrhizal fungi on uranium accumulation by plants, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99, 5, 775-784..

DUPRÉ DE BOULOIS H., STRACZEK A., JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., JAKOBSEN I., CHEN B., ROOS P., THIRY I., RUFYIKIRI G., DELVAUX B., DECLERCK S., 2008. Role and influence of mycorrhizal fungi on radionuclide accumulation by plants, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99 (5), 785-800..  [doi]

LÉGLIZE P., SAADA A., BERTHELIN J., LEYVAL C., 2008. Adsorption of phenanthrene on activated carbon increases biodegradation rate by specific bacteria, Journal of Hazardous Material 151, 339-347..

REDON P.-O., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2008. Influence of Glomus intraradices  on Cd partitioning in a pot experiment with Medicago truncatula in four contaminated soils. Soil Biology Biochemistry, 40, 2710-2712..  [doi]

MUNIER-LAMY C., DENEUX-MUSTIN S., MUSTIN C., MERLET D., BERTHELIN J., LEYVAL C., 2007. Selenium bioavailability and uptake as affected by four different plants in a loamy clay soil with particular attention to mycorrhizae inoculated ryegrass. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 97, 148-158..  [doi]

CORGIE S., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2006. Profiling 16S bacterial DNA and RNA : difference between community structure and transcriptional activity in phenanthrene polluted sand in the vicinity of plants roots. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 : 1545-1553..

CORGIE S., FONS F., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2006. Biodegradation of phenanthrene, spatial distribution of bacterial populations and dioxygenase expression in the mycorrhizosphere of Lolium perenne inoculated with Glomus mosseae. Mycorrhiza, 16 : 207-212..

CORGIE S.-C., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2006. Differential composition of bacterial communities as influenced by Phenanthrene and dibenzo-a,h-anthracene in the rhizosphere of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) . Biodegradation 17 : 511-521..

JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., COLPAERT J., 2006. Ectomycorrhizas impede phytoremediation of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons  (PAHs) both within and beyond the rhizosphere. Environmental Pollution 142 : 34-38..

LÉGLIZE P., SAADA A., BERTHELIN J., LEYVAL C., 2006. Evaluation of matrices for the sorption and biodegradation of phenanthrene. Water Research 40 : 2397-2404..

CORGIE S., BÉGUIRISTAIN T., LEYVAL C., 2004. Spatial Distribution of Bacterial Communities and phenanthrene (PHE) Degradation in the Rhizosphere of Lolium perenne L. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, 6 : 3352-3357..

JONER E., HIRMAN D., SZOLAR OLIVER H.-J., TODORNIC D., LEYVAL C., LOIBNER A.-D., 2004. Priming effects on PAH degradation and ecotoxicity during a phytoremediation experiment. Environmental Pollution 128 : 429-435.

JONER E.-J., ROOS P., JANSA J., FROSSARD E., LEYVAL C., JAKOBSEN I., 2004. No significant contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to transfer of radiocesium from soils to plants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 : 6512-6517..

RUFYIKIRI G., HUYSMANS L., WANNIJN J., VAN HEES M., LEYVAL C., JAKOBSEN I., 2004. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can decrease the uptake of uranium by subterranean clover grown at high levels of uranium in soil, Environmental Pollution, 130:427-436..

CAILLE N., TIFFREAU C., LEYVAL C., MOREL F.-L., 2003. Solubility of metals in an anoxic sediment during  prolonged aeration. The Science of the Total Environement, 301 : 239-250..

CORGIE S.-C., JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2003. Rhizospheric degradation of phenanthrène is a function of proximity to roots. Plant and Soil 257 : 143-150.

FONS F., AMELLAL N., LEYVAL C., SAINT-MARTIN N., HENRY M., 2003. Effects of gypsophila saponins on bacterial growth kinetics and on selection of subterranean clover rhizosphere bacteria Can.J.Microbiol. : 367-373..

JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2003. Rhizosphere gradients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) dissipation in two industrial soils, and the impact of arbuscular mycorrhiza. Env. Sci. Technol., 37 : 2371-2375..

JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2003. Phytoremediation of organic polluants using mycorrhizal plants : a new aspect of rhizosphère interactions. Agronomie 23 :495-502..

CAILLE N., TIFFREAU C., LEYVAL C., MOREL F.-L., 2002. Solubility of metals in an anoxic sediment during  prolonged aeration. The Science of the Total Environement, 301 : 239-250..

JONER E.-J., CORGIE S.-C., AMELLAL N., LEYVAL C., 2002. Nutritional constraints to degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a simulated rhizosphere. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 34 : 859-864..

VANDENKOORNHUYSE P., BALDAUF S.-L., LEYVAL C., STRACZEK J., YOUNG P.-W., 2002. Unexpected diversity and novel lineages of fungi in the roots of a perennial grass. Science, 295, 2051..

BINET P., PORTAL J.-M., LEYVAL C., 2001. Application of GC-MS to the study of anthracene biodegradation in the rhizosphere of ryegrass. Organic Geochemistry, 32 : 217 - 222..

CRIQUET S., JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2001. 2,7-Diaminofluorene is a sensitive substrate for detection  and characterization of plant root peroxidase activities. Plant Science 161 : 1063-1066..

JONER E.-J., JOHANSEN A., LOIBNER A.-P., DE LA CRUZ M.-A., SZOLAR O.-H.-J.-, PORTAL J.-M., LEYVAL C., 2001. Rhizosphere effects on microbial community structure, and dissipation and toxicity of PAH in spiked soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 35, 2773-2777..

JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2001. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal on clover and ryegrass grown together in a soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Mycorrhiza, 10 : 155 - 159..

JONER E.-J., LEYVAL C., 2001. Time-course of heavy metal uptake in maize and clover as affected by different mycorrhiza inoculation regimes. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 33 : 351 - 357..

TONIN C., VANDENKOOMHUYSE P., JONER E.-J., STRACZEK J., LEYVAL C., 2001. Assessement of arbuscular micorrhizal fungi diversity in the rhizosphere of Viola calaminaria and effect of these fungi on heavy  metal uptake by clover. Mycorrhiza, 10 : 161 - 168..

VANDENKOORNHUYSE P., LEYVAL C., BONNIN I., 2001. High genetic diversity in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi : evidence for recombination events. Heredity, 87 : 243 - 253..